Textpattern CMS Design gallery showcasing TXP powered sites

David Emery Online

My personal blog, featuring assorted ramblings on a fairly daily basis. Features a quite nice – if I do say so myself – dynamic image resizer to keep images spanning the fluid width, and uses the vdh_flickr plugin to pull in photos from Flickr.

Category: Personal

Hablablow playground

Hablablow is my playground. It’s a creative path in constant progress

Category: Personal

Triple F

My personal site, currently mostly about photos.

Category: Personal

Weblog Kus

Weblog Kus is born in Madiun, Indonesia. And talking about Kus and Textpattern in Indonesian.

Category: Personal


Ben writing about web, mac, culture, design and nonsense.

Category: Personal

The Daily Whim

The weblog of Reid Stott, using Textpattern for over three years.

Category: Personal


A blog

Category: Personal


Freelancing web designer Gerrit van Aaken writes in his blog and shows off some work.

Category: Personal


A blog for reflections relating to philosophy, Buddhism, ethics, meditation and so on.

Category: Personal